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docs/kanji/ View File

@ -22,3 +22,17 @@
[56 - tombstone](, ヒ いしぶみ [56 - tombstone](, ヒ いしぶみ
- <ruby>碑文<rt>ひぶん</rt></ruby> - <ruby>碑文<rt>ひぶん</rt></ruby>
### 憤
[58 - resent](, フン いきどお.る
- <ruby>憤慨<rt>ふんがい</rt></ruby>
- indignation; anger(▼indignationは,特に不正,不公平に対する怒り)
- 彼は友人の裏切りに憤慨していた
- 「He was indignant at [He resented] his friend's betrayal.
- 彼は憤慨して部屋をとび出した
- He rushed [flung] out of the room in indignation.
- 彼は犬に石を投げた子供たちに憤慨していた
- He was indignant [furious] with the children for throwing stones at his dog.
- [<ruby>憤<rt>いきどお</rt></ruby>る](

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docs/vocabulary/ View File

@ -90,6 +90,130 @@ Stone monument (石文)
- ついに城を陥れた - ついに城を陥れた
- Finally they took the fortress. - Finally they took the fortress.
### <ruby><rt>はがね</rt></ruby>
- 鋼けた
- steel girder
- 鋼のような意志
- inner steel〈比喩的〉
- 鋼のような決意を曲げる
- dent the steel of resolve
- 鋼のような神経
- steel nerves
- 鋼のように堅い断固たる決意
- steely grim determination
- 鋼のように強い肉体
- a body as strong as steel
### <ruby><rt>はずかし</rt></ruby>める
恥ずかしめる. Uses the Kanji for 侮辱.
1. 〔恥をかかせる〕
- 客の面前で辱められた
- I was put to shame in the presence of the guests.
- 彼は同僚から辱められた
- He was insulted by his colleagues.
- こんなに辱められてもう黙っていられない
- I can no longer endure such humiliations [insults].
2. 〔名を汚す〕 ⇒けがす(汚す)
- 家名を辱める
- disgrace one's family name/bring disgrace upon one's family
### <ruby><rt>いきどお</rt></ruby>
Origin: 意気通る. Seems to be weirdly transformed somehow (according to intention?).
- be angry ((at, with, about; that));be enraged ((by, at)) ⇒おこる(怒る)
- 市長の不正に市民は憤った
- The citizens were enraged by the mayor's misdeeds.
### <ruby><rt>いしずえ</rt></ruby>
Origin: 石据え. <ruby><rt></rt></ruby>える - to install.
- 〔物事の基礎となる事・人〕 ⇒きそ(基礎)
- 彼らがわが国の今日の繁栄の礎を築いたのだ
- It is they who laid the foundations for the present prosperity of our country.
- 勤勉こそ成功の礎である
- Hard work is the cornerstone of success.
As far 据える.
1. 〔場所を作って物を置く〕put; install
- ストーブを部屋の真ん中に据えた
- We installed a stove in the middle of the room.
2. 〔落ち着ける〕
- 腰を据えて研究する
- settle down to one's research
- 度胸を据えてかかればうまくゆくよ
- If you steel yourself for it, it will go well.
- 目を据えて見る
- 「look fixedly [stare] ((at))
3. 〔人をある地位に置く〕
- 息子を後継者に据えた
- He made his son his successor.
4. 〔座らせる〕
- 先生を上座に据える
- seat the teacher at the head/give the teacher the place [seat] of honor
### <ruby><rt>おもむ</rt></ruby>
Origin: 面向く.
1. 〔ある場所・目標に向かって行く〕go; proceed
- 彼はただちに任地に赴いた
- He immediately 「proceeded to [set out for] his new post.
- 足の赴くままに海岸を散歩した
- I walked along the beach wherever my footsteps led me.
2. 〔ある状態に向かって行く〕get; become
- 彼女の病気はようやく快方に赴いた
- She is gradually recovering from her illness.
- その法案は勢いの赴くところで,満場一致議会を通過した
- With the momentum that had built up behind it, the bill swept through the Diet unopposed.(▼世論などによって前から勢いがついているとき)
### <ruby><rt>おもむき</rt></ruby>
Origin: 面向き.
1. 〔趣旨〕the general meaning;《文》 the tenor ((of))
- 訳文は原文の趣を十分に伝えていない
- This translation doesn't fully convey the meaning [tenor/intent] of the original.
- ご忠告の趣は承知しました
- I understand what you want to warn me about.
2. 〔事情〕
- ご病気の趣,家族一同ご案じ申し上げております
- My whole family is concerned to hear of your illness.
3. 〔有様,様子,雰囲気〕appearance; look
- ここら辺りには昭和の趣がある
- This area 「reminds me [has the flavor] of the Showa era.
- 長崎の街にはどことなく異国の趣がある
- The streets of Nagasaki vaguely suggest a foreign country.
4. 〔味わい〕charm
- 趣のある庭
- 「an elegant [a tasteful] garden/a garden with true character
- 神戸の夜景は趣がある
- The night view of Kobe has 「a special beauty [a beauty all its own].
### <ruby><rt>おろし</rt></ruby>
Origin: 下ろし - going down?
- wholesale trade
- 品物を卸で買う[売る]
- buy [sell] goods wholesale
- 卸で買って小売りする
- buy wholesale and sell retail
- 卸売り⇒卸売り
- 卸業 the wholesale business; the wholesale trade
- 卸業者 a wholesaler
- 卸商 a wholesale dealer [merchant]
- 卸<ruby><rt></rt></ruby> a wholesale [trade] price
- これは卸値で5,000円です
- This sells for five thousand yen wholesale.
## Written in other forms ## Written in other forms
### <ruby><rt>かたよ</rt></ruby> ### <ruby><rt>かたよ</rt></ruby>
@ -113,6 +237,15 @@ Stone monument (石文)
- 部下の扱い方が片寄るのはよくない - 部下の扱い方が片寄るのはよくない
- You must 「not be partial [play favorites] when dealing with your subordinates. - You must 「not be partial [play favorites] when dealing with your subordinates.
### <ruby><rt>ねや</rt></ruby>
- 寝室が_部屋あるアパートに住んでいる
- live in a __-bedroom apartment
- 寝室が三つの分譲マンション
- a three-bedroom condominium
## Written in Kana ## Written in Kana
### <ruby><rt>くびき</rt></ruby> ### <ruby><rt>くびき</rt></ruby>
@ -149,6 +282,100 @@ Stone monument (石文)
- まきの束 - まきの束
- a faggot - a faggot
### <ruby><rt>はかど</rt></ruby>
- 研究がはかどっている[いない]
- My research is making rapid [little] progress.
- 仕事ははかどっていますか
- How's your work going?/How are you getting along with your work?
- 工事をはかどらせる
- speed up construction
### <ruby><rt>はかな</rt></ruby>
果敢ない. 敢 appears not to list this reading.
1. 〔むなしい〕vain;〔つかの間の〕 《文》 evanescent,《文》 ephemeral, fleeting
- はかない努力
- vain efforts
- はかない幸せ
- fleeting [ephemeral] happiness
- はかない喜び
- transient [short-lived] joy
- このはかない人生
- this transitory [evanescent] life
2. 〔頼みにならない〕
- 宝くじに庶民ははかない望みをかける
- The common people 「hope against hope [pin their hopes on the faint possibility] that they might win in a lottery.
- それははかない夢だった
- It was only an empty dream.
### <ruby><rt>ひもと</rt></ruby>
紐解く. To unravel (e.g. a mystery); to discover (the truth)​ (a in book)
- 歴史書をひもとく
- open the history books
### <ruby><rt>むしば</rt></ruby>
- 〔少しずつ悪くする〕undermine;〔影響を与える〕affect
- 彼の健康は過労によってむしばまれた
- His health was undermined by overwork.
- そのうわさは彼の名声をむしばんだ
- The rumor adversely affected his reputation.
- 両親の離婚が娘の心をむしばんだ
- Her parents' divorce ate at her heart.
### <ruby><rt>やじり</rt></ruby>
矢尻. 【矢尻・×鏃】An arrowhead.
- 矢のやじり
- tip of the arrow
Not to be confused with <ruby>野次<rt>やじ</rt></ruby>る.
- 弁士を野次った
- They heckled [jeered and hooted at] the speaker./They booed and hissed the speaker (down).
- 役者は野次り倒されて[飛ばされて]舞台を下りた
- The actor was hissed [hooted] off the stage.
### <ruby><rt>かたど</rt></ruby>
Origin: 形取る
- それは鳥をかたどっている
- It is (made) in the shape of a bird.
- この庭は京都のある寺の庭をかたどってつくられたものだ
- This garden is modeled on that of a temple in Kyoto.
## Interesting origins
### <ruby><rt>うなず</rt></ruby>
Origin: 項突く. 項 also has readings of うな in addition to うなじ.
- <ruby>項垂<rt>うなだ</rt></ruby>れる
- 彼は悲しげにうなだれてそこに立っていた
- He stood there, his head drooping sadly.
- 厳然とした事実の前に彼は深くうなだれた
- He hung [bowed] his head before the solemn fact.
- 彼女は恥じ入ってうなだれていた
- She hung her head in shame.
### <ruby><rt>おおかみ</rt></ruby>
Origin: 大神. Still used in names, but readings vary, including <ruby>大神<rt>おおかみ</rt></ruby>の祭, <ruby>大神<rt>おおみわ</rt></ruby>神社, <ruby>大神<rt>だいじん</rt></ruby><ruby><rt>ぐう</rt></ruby>, <ruby>大神<rt>おおが</rt></ruby><ruby>拓哉<rt>たくや</rt></ruby>, <ruby>大神<rt>おおがみ</rt></ruby>いずみ.
### <ruby><rt>おさな</rt></ruby>
Origin: <ruby><rt>おさ</rt></ruby>無い. [<ruby>長<rt>おさ</rt></ruby>]( according to Jisho is a dated term. Additionally, there is [<ruby>長亀<rt>オサガメ</rt></ruby>](
## Less interesting ones ## Less interesting ones
### <ruby><rt>かたまり</rt></ruby> ### <ruby><rt>かたまり</rt></ruby>
@ -167,6 +394,26 @@ Stone monument (石文)
枝折り 枝折り
### <ruby><rt>てのひら</rt></ruby>
### <ruby><rt>なまぐさ</rt></ruby>
### <ruby><rt>ひど</rt></ruby>
非道い. Uses the Kanji for 残酷.
### <ruby><rt>まぶた</rt></ruby>
目蓋. <ruby><rt>ふた</rt></ruby> means lid.
### <ruby><rt>あけぼの</rt></ruby>
Origin: 明仄. See <ruby><rt>ほの</rt></ruby>か.
## No real examples in [progressive dictionary]( ## No real examples in [progressive dictionary](
### <ruby><rt>うまや</rt></ruby> ### <ruby><rt>うまや</rt></ruby>
@ -182,3 +429,7 @@ Stone monument (石文)
### <ruby><rt>こいし</rt></ruby> ### <ruby><rt>こいし</rt></ruby>
小石. Probably more common to be <ruby><rt>つぶて</rt></ruby>. 小石. Probably more common to be <ruby><rt>つぶて</rt></ruby>.
### <ruby><rt>ひうち</rt></ruby>
火打ち石 (a) flint
