Extra contents beyond WaniKani
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

26 lines
676 B

import { WaniKani } from '@/wanikani';
async function main() {
const wk = new WaniKani();
await wk.sortByLevels('Takoboto', { ja: 'Japanese' }, { useBeyond: true });
await wk.populateSound(
'note:jp.takoboto -tag:wanikani',
{ ja: 'Japanese', audio: 'JapaneseAudio' },
{ mode: { online: true } },
await wk.populateSentence('note:jp.takoboto -tag:wanikani', {
vocabJa: 'Japanese',
sentenceJa: 'Sentence',
sentenceAudio: 'SentenceAudio',
sentenceEn: 'SentenceMeaning',
sentenceCloze: 'MeaningQuiz',
await wk.addTags('note:jp.takoboto -tag:wanikani', {
ja: 'Japanese',
if (require.main === module) {