# Additional Kanji explanations ## List of Wanikani kanji that can serve as radicals - 復 - restore, 26, ふく - 知 - know, 6, ち - 官 - government, 17, かん - 是 - absolutely, 17, ぜ - 相 - mutual, 9, そう - 列 - row, 15, れつ - 利 - profit, 11, り - 童 - juvenile, 12, どう - 折 - fold, 14, せつ - 軍 - army, 15, ぐん - 屈 - yield, 27, くつ - 曹 - official, 59, そう - 既 - previously, 31, き - 某 - certain, 60, ぼう - 壮 - robust, 50, そう - 叔 - uncle, 59, お - 票 - ballot, 25, ひょう - 建 - build, 15, けん - 廷 - courts, 50, てい - 敬 - respect, 33, けい - 虚 - void, 17, きょ - 若 - young, 19, わか - 因 - cause, 17, いん - 秀 - excel, 23, しゅう - 奉 - dedicate, 55, ほう - 動 - move, 12, どう - 定 - determine, 9, てい - 般 - generally, 36, はん - 則 - rule, 23, そく - 斬 - slice, 46, ざん - 連 - take along, 19, れん - 肖 - resemblance, 58, しょう - 布 - cloth, 19, ふ - 帝 - sovereign, 46, てい - 旨 - point, 43, し - 奴 - dude, 34, ど - 害 - damage, 20, がい - 異 - differ, 33, い - 苗 - seedling, 51, みょう - 吾 - I, 46, わが - 庶 - all, 54, しょ - 帥 - commander, 53, すい - 憂 - grief, 55, ゆう - 英 - England, 15, えい - 解 - untie, 21, かい - 忍 - endure, 44, にん - 量 - quantity, 24, りょう - 景 - scene, 25, けい - 替 - replace, 25, か - 寿 - lifespan, 35, じゅ - 段 - steps, 27, だん - 需 - demand, 38, じゅ - 孫 - grandchild, 31, そん - 追 - follow, 11, お.う - 幾 - how many, 31, いく - 卓 - table, 45, たく - 禁 - prohibit, 18, きん - 尉 - military officer, 56, い - 署 - government office, 17, しょ - 延 - prolong, 30, えん - 射 - shoot, 34, しゃ - 宿 - lodge, 13, しゅく - 却 - contrary, 38, きゃく - 府 - government, 16, ふ - 察 - guess, 17, さつ - 到 - arrival, 42, とう - 参 - participate, 14, さん - 戻 - return, 37, もど.る - 式 - ritual, 15, しき - 卑 - lowly, 59, ひ - 焦 - char, 42, しょう - 路 - road, 10, ろ - 頼 - trust, 36, らい - 登 - climb, 12, とう - 盾 - shield, 48, じゅん - 要 - need, 9, よう - 隊 - squad, 28, たい - 唐 - China, 50, とう - 厄 - unlucky, 35, やく - 皆 - all, 13, みな - 昆 - insect, 19, こん - 処 - deal with, 28, しょ - 凡 - mediocre, 56, ぼん - 即 - instant, 43, そく - 以 - from, 7, い - 刑 - punish, 37, けい - 乗 - ride, 9, の.る - 貫 - pierce, 52, かん - 雲 - cloud, 8, くも - 表 - express, 9, ひょう - 丘 - hill, 44, きゅう - 貞 - chastity, 51, てい - 迷 - astray, 27, めい - 卸 - wholesale, 54, おろし - 任 - duty, 21, にん - 最 - most, 10, さい - 考 - think, 5, こう - 敢 - daring, 57, かん - 務 - task, 21, む - 徴 - indication, 26, ちょう - 敏 - alert, 40, びん - 完 - perfect, 14, かん - 固 - hard, 14, こ - 胡 - barbarian, 53, こ - 居 - alive, 25, きょ - 契 - pledge, 37, けい - 志 - intention, 32, し - 庄 - manor, 46, しょう - 泉 - spring, 12, せん - 留 - detain, 16, る - 切 - cut, 3, せつ - 度 - degrees, 9, ど - 畜 - livestock, 48, ちく - 属 - belong, 25, ぞく - 尼 - nun, 49, に - 灰 - ash, 33, はい - 冒 - dare, 16, ぼう - 多 - many, 5, た - 宛 - address, 39, あて - 就 - settle in, 27, しゅう - 普 - normal, 31, ふ - 旬 - in season, 37, しゅん - 加 - add, 19, か - 尊 - revered, 33, そん - 左 - left, 2, さ - 育 - nurture, 11, いく - 匂 - scent, 30, にお.い - 隻 - ship counter, 51, せき - 炎 - flame, 35, えん - 死 - death, 6, し - 垂 - dangle, 33, すい - 従 - obey, 26, じゅう ## List of non-Wanikani kanji that can serve as radicals - 圭 - square jewel, N1, ケイ - 此 - this, newspaper, これ - 喬 - feeling high, N1, たか - 采 - dice, サイ, N1 - 卆 - private Ryan, -, ソツ - 亘 - span, N1, コウ - 孰 - eventually, -, いず.れ ジュク - 竟- finally, -, キョウ - 帛 - white robe, -, きぬ ハク - 帚 - cleansing broom, -, ソウ - 賁 - respectful decoration, -, フン - 奐 - lustrous, -, カン - 侖 - careful thinking, -, リン - 耑 - specialized, -, タン セン - 尓 - you, -, ジ 二 - 朿 - thorn, -, シ とげ - 茲 - here, -, シ ジ - 咼 - dishonest, -, カイ - 隶 - underling, Chinese, タイ - Chinese's Simplified form of 隸(奴隸) - 孚 - sincere / bring up, -, フ - 埶 - powerful, -, ゲイ - 戠 - yellow clay / sword, -, ショク シ - 曼 - vast, -, マン - 桼 - dried lacquer, -, うるし - 亢 - high spirits, コウ ## Radicals that aren't encoded in fonts (i.e. images) - triple-power ![triple-power](https://aws1.discourse-cdn.com/wanikanicommunity/original/4X/e/b/f/ebfc688a9cd9a625cef3ad387865cd5956332802.png) - sun-spikes ![sun-spikes](https://aws1.discourse-cdn.com/wanikanicommunity/original/4X/1/1/7/1177b13afb6c374af7feb86349934fdce0d6726e.png) - canopy-trees ![canopy-trees](https://aws1.discourse-cdn.com/wanikanicommunity/original/4X/d/8/d/d8da10d79463983e43175c713f323bae5a6ba787.png) - stand-tree ![stand-tree](https://aws1.discourse-cdn.com/wanikanicommunity/original/4X/4/f/a/4fa060336ac21658a5525e32faaa939f73dcb753.png) - hat-hair ![hat-hair](https://aws1.discourse-cdn.com/wanikanicommunity/original/4X/1/6/0/160e7d532e83821c2fac166d5e5683154eb5932b.png) - horns-heaven ![horns-heaven](https://aws1.discourse-cdn.com/wanikanicommunity/original/4X/f/f/1/ff161b7b37a6309b2d5da6f544361e740cd749b9.png) - pi-tree ![pi-tree](https://aws1.discourse-cdn.com/wanikanicommunity/original/4X/3/0/5/305369c2e1081de5b8db636f7c1e511fd78b7a96.png) - samurai-jackhammer ![samurai-jackhammer](https://aws1.discourse-cdn.com/wanikanicommunity/original/4X/4/5/0/450e0b29d3ea05395f2a6029fdc3415fe9fb6dc2.png) - trash-river ![trash-river](https://aws1.discourse-cdn.com/wanikanicommunity/original/4X/a/b/4/ab4f0396cfec273345c92c47383253084e8b3348.png) - world-tree ![world-tree](https://aws1.discourse-cdn.com/wanikanicommunity/original/4X/1/3/c/13c6ec691c3653722120314b534ec8d4015434a5.png) - horns-lantern ![horns-lantern](https://aws1.discourse-cdn.com/wanikanicommunity/original/4X/2/4/8/2480f55739687aa515c599e6508821611231b686.png) - wolverine-forehead-stool ![wolverine-forehead-stool](https://aws1.discourse-cdn.com/wanikanicommunity/original/4X/f/1/8/f18818c6707e879b174cbec6232964eea4c25741.png) - lion-rice ![lion-rice](https://aws1.discourse-cdn.com/wanikanicommunity/original/4X/7/a/3/7a37e6fc56ca53d9cbf2c75637f30df2070b043f.png) - low-ground ![low-ground](https://aws1.discourse-cdn.com/wanikanicommunity/original/4X/8/6/b/86b6e53544a18b22d80c641996c99d65be66887e.png) - horns-husband ![horns-husband](https://aws1.discourse-cdn.com/wanikanicommunity/original/4X/5/9/f/59fe2bd8e6c01205e5c7d4b06a071542da410362.png) - stamp-stool ![stamp-stool](https://aws1.discourse-cdn.com/wanikanicommunity/original/4X/e/1/1/e113f9ccd3a92b90fbaa9f31f6d4454b5bd1c054.png) - person-hook ![person-hook](https://aws1.discourse-cdn.com/wanikanicommunity/original/4X/2/6/1/26142b0b6e7b58f0a5df0995028bf019620efc54.png) - hook-arrow ![hook-arrow|61x95, 50%](upload://4FfzZ6FieGlWPmDngMxogiOAIAr.png) 喉 - throat, 18, こう (mouth+leader+radical) 候 - climate, 25, こう (leader+stick+radical) ![flowers-suit|73x90, 50%](upload://cSVWptCwrFZ5VybXlxaLy2NT9ul.png) 塔 - tower, 44, とう (dirt+radical) 搭 - board, 53, とう (fingers+radical) ![cleat-husband|74x92, 50%](upload://bAB6QEdWAXzzSKZ5CUNWhb752SI.png) 渓 - valley, 60, けい (tsunami+radical) 鶏 - chiken, 58, けい (radical+bird) ![cleat-wolverine-heart|75x104, 50%](upload://iDef3SB4g4O3xeIkY8F3ZPMI6z7.png) 隠 - hide, 25, いん (building+radical) 穏 - calm, 46, おん (grain+radical) ![arrow-turkey|71x103, 50%](upload://xixdzmtMKAdO6CuaGLgTodjuhjp.png) 権 - rights, 21, けん (tree+radical) 観 - view, 22, かん (radical+see) 歓 - delight, 34, かん (radical+lack) 勧 - recommend, 39, かん (radical+power) 鶴 - crane, 49, つる (radical+bird) ![double-wolverine-turkey|71x103, 50%](upload://kvKgSWjDfZ6AxfzLVxIg3JOspDZ.png) 曜 - weekday, 16, よう (sun+radical) 躍 - leap, 39, やく (foot+radical) 濯 - wash, 51, たく (tsunami+radical) ![big-turkey|114x76, 50%](upload://A1AEiTlPJ4R84bqcwnu6SxFo8an.png) 奪 - rob, 39, うば (radical+measurement) 奮 - stirred up, 50, ふん (radical+rice paddy) ![net-zombie|89x102, 50%](upload://86pVnzkxEHfYrM5bnR29z0td98d.png) 環 - loop, 24, かん (king+radical) 還 - send back, 38, かん (scooter+radical) ![grass-treasure-chest|73x106, 50%](upload://bvNlZ2juu6h3g3phIpfcZgnmZgR.png) 脳 - brain, 18, のう (moon+radical) 悩 - worry, 27, なや (soul+radical) ![public-heart|66x104, 50%](upload://wMnMIpb46ASO8oRf0mNKy1tqAaW.png) 聡 - wise, 51, そう (ear+radical) 総 - whole, 21, そう (thread+radical) ![cliff-tofu|78x104, 50%](upload://ezuSHanVHmeO49YZalyUAd0vwxv.png) 派 - sect, 21, は (tsunami+radical) 脈 - vein, 31, みゃく (moon+radical) ![humble-stool|78x108, 50%](upload://j9pUFhTGFBYbbYcLlIBr2PyOdAI.png) 捜 - search, 25, そう (fingers+radical) 痩 - thin, 34, そう (sick+radical) ![cross-drunkard|101x108, 50%](upload://a3Nik1MoPTj0hfzIUylF0ekW8hI.png) 裁 - judge, 23, さい (radical+clothes) 載 - publish, 24, さい (radical+car) 戴 - receive, 53, たい (radical+rice paddy+together) 栽 - planting, 54, さい (radical+tree) 哉 - question mark, 57, や (radical+mouth) 繊 - fiber, 53, せん (thread+spikes+radical) ![servant-stool|99x68, 50%](upload://ze8vbSQvECOI3PLHmrJ0XbC1rGq.png) 緊 - tense, 29, きん (radical+thread) 堅 - solid, 42, かた (radical+ dirt) 賢 - clever, 48, けん (radical+shellfish) ![cross-net-heart|78x105, 50%](upload://azE1neKLgKpcSScyMRr3LoQ226o.png) 聴 - listen, 37, ちょう (ear+radical) 徳 - virtue, 31, とく (loiter+radical) ![cross-net-clothes|73x107, 50%](upload://vcriKPHRLH95sfExhx7SkzCgwdX.png) 懐 - nostalgia, 30, なつ (soul+radical) 壊 - break, 29, かい (dirt+radical) ![roof-certain|107x70, 50%](upload://9DWGIscuHfAjjv9OBnAkha8Kd8N.png) 蜜 - honey, 41, みつ (radical+insect) 密 - secrecy, 32, みつ (radical+mountain) ![have-scooter|83x105, 50%](upload://u51eXd5SELCv2nkqc5T5MioPgE6.png) 髄 - marrow, 55, ずい (bone+radical) 随 - all, 53, ずい (building+radical)