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rename master levels

3 changed files with 3 additions and 3 deletions
  1. +1
  2. +1
  3. +1

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- 1 View File

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ This also sorts any vocabulary by WaniKani levels. I also have an old project of
- Confirm the constants in [`scripts/sort-anki.ts`](
- Run `yarn ts scripts/sort-anki.ts`
![Anki screenshot](
![Anki screenshot](
Card types will be sorted accordingly, so [you can use Writing, if you have such card types.](

+ 1
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assets/beyond.yaml View File

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
'68': [冶, 繭, 但, 頒, 肢, 侯, 遵, 謄, 采, 弐, 朕, 詔, 壱, 丙, 儒, 旺, 嗣, 抄, 嫡, 畝, 虞, 痘, 爵, 墾, 塑, 吏, 附, 宵, 逐, 褐, 楼, 勅, 硝, 逓, 翁, 薫, 厘, 斤, 薪]
'69': [汎, 窟, 痕, 串, 刹, 慄, 詮, 曽, 麺, 腎, 沃, 憬, 柵, 僅, 錮, 辣, 踪, 諧, 釜, 舷, 羞, 璽, 淫, 毀, 瘍, 拉, 咽, 緻, 畏, 訃, 冥, 恣, 填, 摯, 斑, 怨, 膳, 臼, 捉, 妖, 蔽, 畿]
'70': [迄, 糞, 賜, 猪, 啜, 珈, 琲, 撫, 箒, 叛, 兜, 髭, 鼠, 兎, 稍, 丑, 寅, 卯, 辰, 巳, 酉, 戌, 亥, 蚕, 埃, 伍, 萬]
'71-75: BEYOND':
'71-75: BEYOND':
'71': [樺, 脩, 橘, 巴, 渥, 惟, 禎, 苑, 惣, 圭, 祐, 倭, 肇, 漱, 楠, 笹, 晃, 鷹, 耀, 浩, 匡, 晋, 尭, 朋, 喬, 於, 榛, 嵯, 鮎, 絢, 蕉, 巽, 啄, 槙, 彬, 椿, 磯, 怜, 淳]
'72': [毅, 彦, 弘, 鴻, 李, 亘, 佑, 鳳, 綜, 悌, 柚, 穣, 碧, 邑, 秦, 皓, 彪, 舜, 允, 偲, 黎, 伽, 朔, 汐, 凱, 甫, 惇, 禄, 皐, 稀, 桐, 琢, 翠, 欽, 慧]
'73': [馨, 芹, 孟, 魁, 暉, 毬, 稜, 琉, 槻, 峻, 巌, 洲, 亨, 桂, 玲, 茅, 欣, 郁, 洸, 紘, 稔, 鵬, 敦, 蔦, 芙, 宏, 萩, 嶺, 黛, 旭, 蘭]

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scripts/get-kanji-level.ts View File

@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ export async function repairBeyond() {
if (level < 71) {
category = '61-70: 無限 INFINITY';
} else if (level < 76) {
category = '71-75: 極 BEYOND';
category = '71-75: 極 BEYOND';
} else {
category = '76+: 熟達 MASTERY';
